Monday, July 24, 2006


While Ann may be birdwatching and Laurie is watching out for snakes on a plane, it's all about the frogs here.

We have a bunch of frogs in our yard, and they come up at night to feast on the bugs on our front porch. Nothing says YUM like a fresh bug.

So, I'm back from Canada. Luckily flights were all on time (handy when you have TWO connections) and we managed to miss the crazy weather in Chicago. While I was up there, I had a small bit of free time, so I swung (the wrong way up a one way street) over to Hip2Knit to check it out. It's a very nice shop, but I did actually leave empty-handed. I was really hoping for some Canadian yarn that I just can't get down here, but I can pretty easily get everything they had.

I managed to get almost one leg of the second Pomatomus sock done on the planes. At home I've switched over to a blue version of the Moderne Baby Blanket for a baby due NEXT WEEK. Eeeek.

(I tried to come up with a clever frog joke, but frogs say "ribbit" which is why knitters say "frog it" when we we rip something out...but I'm not ripping/frogging anything right now. So, I got nothing.)


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